Ok this motion is part of the "Undefeated" series, this has been available in my patreon page for a few months now, but the time for public release is finally here, there are more on the way so check my channel every other day and check out the goodies I will be making public, also once again here is a friendly reminder that Izumi 2.0.25 is already public. This is an update from an old loop, position is a bit different though, the motion is already in the R18 motions folder, go and grab it. Thanks for WatchingMany thanks to Pajamaje135 and launchcover for helping me create this videoVideo from Pajamaje135 -. Ok this motion is part of the 'Undefeated' series, this has been available in my patreon page for a few months now, but the time for public release is finally here, there are more on the way so check my channel every other day and check out the goodies I will be making public, also once again here is a friendly reminder that Izumi 2.0.25 is already public.